MATLAB: Indexing and Checking on a Diagonal


I'm just getting back into Matlab and am getting tripped up where I'm more familiar with Python or C right now… still brushing the dust off, thanks for any help!
I'm trying to check the values in a diagonal matrix to see if they are non-zero and below a certain threshold with the goal of forcing them to zero. If my 3×3 diagonal matrix is S, I've seen a good way to index a diagonal is
idx = logical(eye(size(S)));
Which will give the values down the diagonal. But I keep getting tripped up on figuring out a nice way to traverse those three values so I can check them and assign them individually. I get that I could assign them all at once by assign S(idx)=value, but how can I index each individually so I can check if it's above/below my threshold?
I know I could also just loop through it and that my be easier/more clear, but I'm darned curious now (and that loop is messy)!
Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

The indexing by eye() gets inefficient for large arrays. Then linear indexing is cheaper:
c = size(S, 1);
idx = 1:c+1:numel(S);
v = S(idx);
v(v < limit) = 0;
S(idx) = v;