MATLAB: Indexing an entire for loop

for loopMATLABmatrix array

Hi all. Embarassed to be asking for homework help, but I can't figure out this for loop.
Essentially, I need each iteration of the inner function to save to the matrix T. The size of the matrix remains correct (61×21), but it only saves the last iteration to the matrix. I have tried the i = i+1 indexing method but my matrix blows up to 1281×21 with each column running thru both the inner and outer loops.
x = -3:0.1:3;
y = -1:0.1:1;
i = length(x);
j = length(y);
T = zeros(i,j);
for x = -3:0.1:3
for y = -1:0.1:1
T(i,j) = x^2+(2*y^2);

Best Answer

x = -3:0.1:3;
y = -1:0.1:1;
ii = length(x);
jj = length(y);
T = zeros(ii,jj);
for k = 1:ii
for l = 1:jj
T(k,l) = x(k)^2+(2*y(l)^2);