MATLAB: Index out of bounds because size(BP)=[0,0].

index out of bounds

function [ BPw ] = BPSlidingWindow( BP, n )
m = size(BP,1);
MeanMatrix = zeros(m+n+1, m+2);
MeanMatrix(1:n, :) = 1/n;
Tmp = circshift(MeanMatrix(:), n);
Tmp = reshape(Tmp(1:(end-m-2)), m+n, m+2);
mp = Tmp((n+1):end, 1:(end-2));
Tmp = Tmp./repmat(sum(Tmp, 1), size(Tmp,1), 1);
BPw = [BP(:,1), ( (Tmp')*BP(:,2:end))];
Attempted to access BP(:,1); index out of bounds because size(BP)=[0,0].
Error in BPSlidingWindow (line 14) BPw = [BP(:,1), ( (Tmp')*BP(:,2:end))];
Can u help me, Thanks.

Best Answer

The input BP is empty. Therefore you cannot process its elements. There is no BP(:,1) vector.
function BPw = BPSlidingWindow(BP, n)
if isempty(BP)
BPw = [];
m = size(BP,1);