MATLAB: Index must be a positive integer or logical.

attempted to access nindex must be a positive integer or logical.

how to correct this error "Attempted to access thinned(0,2); index must be a positive integer or logical."
img = imread('5_1_4.jpg'); figure, imshow(img)
binary_image= im2bw(img,graythresh(img));
for x=1:size(thinned, 2)
for y=1:size(thinned,1)
if (thinned(x, y) == 1)
CN=(abs(thinned(x+1,y)-thinned(x+1,y-1))+ abs(thinned(x+1,y-1)-thinned(x,y-1))+ abs(thinned(x,y-1)-thinned(x-1,y-1))+ abs(thinned(x-1,y-1)-thinned(x-1,y))+ abs(thinned(x-1,y)-thinned(x-1,y+1))+ abs(thinned(x-1,y+1)-thinned(x,y+1))+ abs(thinned(x,y+1)-thinned(x+1,y+1))+ abs(thinned(x+1,y+1)-thinned(x+1,y)));

Best Answer

You access the indices x-1, y-1 and x+1, y+1. Then replace:
for x=1:size(thinned, 2)
for y=1:size(thinned,1)
for x = 2:size(thinned, 2) - 1 % [EDITED: x is 2nd dim, y is 1st dim]
for y = 2:size(thinned, 1) - 1
Currently you overwrite CN in each iteration. Is this wanted?
I think, that a proper indentation and sorting of the indices makes it much easier to debug:
% [EDITED, x and y swapped]
CN = (abs(thinned(y+1, x-1) - thinned(y, x-1)) + ...
abs(thinned(y+1, x) - thinned(y+1, x-1)) + ...
abs(thinned(y+1, x+1) - thinned(y+1, x))) + ...
abs(thinned(y, x-1) - thinned(y-1, x-1)) + ...
abs(thinned(y, x+1) - thinned(y+1, x+1)) + ...
abs(thinned(y-1, x-1) - thinned(y-1, x)) + ...
abs(thinned(y-1, x) - thinned(y-1, x+1)) + ...
abs(thinned(y-1, x+1) - thinned(y, x+1));
CN = CN/2;