MATLAB: Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 101)


I would appreciate any help on this. Problem is defining 'newsst', i have tried with also with a loop (commented) but theres something dimension wise i dont get..
Have attached the data and hope the code is descriptive enough.
% load and store netcdf file variables in separate matrices
sst = ncread('','sea_surface_temperature');
time = ncread('','time');
lat = ncread('','lat'); %latitude
lon = ncread('','lon'); %longitude
%exclude potential values from outside the defined box of coordinates below
% Note: use of '&&' instead of '&' below creates an error: 'Operands to the || and &&
% operators must be convertible to logical scalar values'. Works with '&',
% not sure if correct.
newlat = find(lat>50&lat<60);
newlon = find(lon>-3&lon<11);
%change to desired degree of resolution for latitude and longitude
ds_lon = 0.1666;
[Loni,Lati] = meshgrid(loni,lati) ;
newsst = sst(newlat,newlon,time);
% newsst = zeros (i,j,k); i,j,k loop base on dimensions of sst
% for i=1:140
% for j=1:101
% for k=1:355

% newsst = sst(newlat(i),newlon(j),time(k));
% end
% end
% end
%interpolate and put everything in a new grid. we will now have values on same
%lat and lon points defined by Loni and Lati
NEWSST = griddata (Loni,Lati,newlat,newlon,newsst);

Best Answer

netcdf files return arrays with rows and columns exchange relative to what MATLAB uses. You need to index sst(newlon, newlat, time_index)
Do not use the time as an index: it is in POSIX time format, seconds since 1970, values over 1 billion, covering Jan 1, 2004 00:00 to Dec 30, 2004 00:00 .
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