MATLAB: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Please Help


% Generates optimized trajectory for the robotics arm problem
function [] = generate_optimized_traj(x)
d1 = 66.04;
d3 = 14.91;
d4 = 43.31;
a2 = 43.18;
a3 = 2.03;
for i = 1:100
t = -pi + (i-1)*0.063;
theta1 = x(i);
theta2 = x(i+100);
theta3 = x(i+200);
c1 = cos(theta1);
c2 = cos(theta2);
s1 = sin(theta1);
s2 = sin(theta2);
c23 = cos(theta2+theta3);
s23 = sin(theta2+theta3);
f1(i) = c1*(a2*c2 + a3*c23 - d4*s23) - d3*s1;
f2(i) = s1*(a2*c2 + a3*c23 - d4*s23) + d3*c1;
f3(i) = d1 - a2*s2 - a3*s23 -d4*c23;
This is the code where the error is encountered. This appears on line 15 ( theta2=x(i+100) ).
The code above should generate the optimal trajectory for the arm of an industrial robot.
f1,f2 and f3 are kinetic equations.
Does anyone have any idea why i get the following error on line 15: Index exceeds the number of array elements (2).

Best Answer

Read about array indexing, suppose you have x=[2 3 4], its having 3 length, if you want acess x(5), it will shows Index exceeds the number of array elements., because x have only three elements , hence
x(1) OK
x(2) OK
x(3) OK
x(4) Invalid ....
Beacuse , what you have pass the value of x, I have no idea, but you trying to access the more than 100 elements of x (i+100) on in for loop (100 iterration loop), is it?
Is this? Pass any 1 D array as x
function []=generate_optimized_traj(x)
d1 = 66.04;
d3 = 14.91;
d4 = 43.31;
a2 = 43.18;
a3 = 2.03;
for i=1:length(x)
c1 = cos(theta1);
c2 = cos(theta2);
s1 = sin(theta1);
s2 = sin(theta2);
c23 = cos(theta2+theta3);
s23 = sin(theta2+theta3);
f1(i) = c1*(a2*c2 + a3*c23 - d4*s23) - d3*s1;
f2(i) = s1*(a2*c2 + a3*c23 - d4*s23) + d3*c1;
f3(i) = d1 - a2*s2 - a3*s23 -d4*c23;