MATLAB: “Index exceeds the number of array elements”

function files

I am recieving this error:
Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).
Error in sym/subsref (line 890)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
Error in E_field (line 7)
Ey = matlabFunction(E(2));
Here is the function file the error is referencing:
function [Ex, Ey, Ez] = E_field()
syms x y z
R_s = 0.02;
V = 0;
epnaut = 8.854187E-12;
k = 1/(4*pi*epnaut);
Q = (V*R_s)/k;
r = [x, y, z];
E = (k*Q/norm(r)^3)*r;
Ex = matlabFunction(E(1));
Ey = matlabFunction(E(2));
Ez = matlabFunction(E(3));

Best Answer

Perhaps this is what you are looking for,
function [Ex, Ey, Ez] = E_field(x,y,z)
R_s = 0.02;
V = 0;
epnaut = 8.854187E-12;
k = 1/(4*pi*epnaut);
Q = (V*R_s)/k;
r = [x, y, z];
E = (k*Q/norm(r)^3)*r;
Ex = E(1);
Ey = E(2);
Ez = E(3);
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