MATLAB: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.HELP!

index exceeds matrix dimensions centorid help card recognition

Im a new user of matlab. Im making a project for card detection, and I need average centroid of all objects in a binary image. I am using a function for this calculation and i get the error that Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Here is the function
function [averageDist, averageCentroid] = averageCentroidDistance(centroids)
averageCentroid = mean(centroids);
x = averageCentroid(1);
y = averageCentroid(2);
hold on
totalDist = 0;
for i = 1:size(centroids, 1)
X = [y, x; centroids(i,:)];
d = pdist(X,'euclidean');
totalDist = totalDist + d;
averageDist = totalDist / size(centroids, 1);
In the error it says that y exceeds the matrix dimensions.

Best Answer

The data being passed in is a scalar or a vector, not an 2D array. The mean() is only returning a single value.