MATLAB: Index Exceeds Matrix Dimensions

indexindex exceedsmatrix dimensionxlsx

Apologies in advance for posting a common error/problem but I couldn't find relevant solutions in other simliar threads.
So I'm trying out this code which I found online and it gives the above mentioned error at:
[data, txt] = xlsread('sample.xlsx');
[m,n] = size(data) = data(:,1);
srdata.Longitude = data(:,2);
srdata.Lattitude = data(:,3);
srdata.altitude = data(:,4);
for i=1:m
srdata.Description{i,1} = txt{i,5};
error line points at "srdata.Description{i,1} = txt{i,5};" and says "Index Exceeds Matrix Dimensions".
I wanted to know why am I getting this and how to fix this, if possible.
P.S: sample.xlsx is something like this.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

T = readtable('sample.xlsx','ReadVariableNames',0);
T.Properties.VariableNames = {'data','Longitude','Lattitude','altitude','Description'};
srdata = table2struct(T);