MATLAB: Index error with no array


Good afternoon,
I am getting a Index exceeds the number of array elements (1). line 29 which is my fun variable. I am not creating any arrays nor do I have more than one value for a given variable, what is wrong with my code?
L = 7/1000; %1mm/1000mm = 1m
rho = 2800; %kg/m^3
c = 900; %J/kg*K
k = 180; %W/m*K
eff = 0.80;
T_inf = 25 + 273.15; % K
T_surf = T_inf;
As = 0.040;% m^2
q_dp_h = 1.25 * 10^4; %W/m^2*K uniform heat flux
h = 10; %W/m^2*K
T = 135 + 273.15; % K
V = As * L ;
SB = 5.67 * 10^(-8); % W/m^2*K Stephan-Boltzmann
fun = (q_dp_h-(h(T-T_inf))-(eff*SB*((T^4)-(T_surf^4))));
fun2 = ((T-T_inf)*(rho*V*c))/As;
h_r = eff*SB*(T+T_surf)*((T^2)+(T_surf^2));
Bi = (h*L)/k;
Bi_r = (h_r*L)/k;
Bi_tot = Bi+Bi_r;

Best Answer

h(T-T_inf) is a request to index h at location T-T_inf, which just happens to be the integer 110.
Remember that MATLAB does not have any implicit multiplication. All multiplication must be given explicitly using the .* or * operators.