MATLAB: Index each row of one matrix applying an operator/function to the second matrix, then concatenate all the results.

concatenatefor loopindexing multiple rowslatitude longitudeMATLAB

I'm fairly new to Matlab. I've got the following code where I'm indexing each row of 'a' and adding it to matrix b. Then I concatenate the resultant values:
a = [0 0;100 100];
b = [1 1; 0 0];
c = a(1)+b;
d = a(2)+b;
e = [c;d];
% the result looks like this (which is the correct result I want):
e =
1 1
0 0
101 101
100 100
% Obviously if I try something like this is doesn't work as the matrix dimensions are different:
% e= a(:) + b
What is the best way to do this so that the concatenating and indexing happens automatically? Should I try and figure out a for loop for every row of matrix 'a' or am I missing an easy function or trick here?
The background to why I'm asking is that I've got two much larger matricies that I have to apply something similar: indexing each row of the first matrix and applying an operator/function to the second matrix with the final matrix being a 'concatenation' of the results. I'm hoping if I can figure it for this simple problem as shown above I can apply similar principals to a large dataset.

Best Answer

z = reshape(a(1:2),1,1,[]) + b;
z1 = squeeze(num2cell(z,[1,2]));
Wanted = cat(1, z1{:})