MATLAB: Index an array with arrays

array indexingMATLAB

I have two index arrays i1 and i2 and a data array data.
I want to set the areas of data in the following way:
data([i1(1):i2(1), i1(2):i2(2)]) = ... % and so on
Is there a way to do that fast without loops? It can be achieved via
for i=1:length(d1)
data(d1(i):d2(i)) = 1.0;

Best Answer

I'm still not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but If data is 1D and you want to set all values between the indexes to some common value as your example seems to indicate, then you could simply build an index vector to use. E.g.,
x = cell2mat(arrayfun( @(i1,i2)i1:i2, i1, i2, 'uni', false ));
data(x) = 1.0;