MATLAB: Independent Function

for loopiterationmatrix

Hello Everyone,
I am working on a project in which a values changes for every iteration, i want to make it independent.The code is this
for t1=-0.5:0.1:0.5
for t2=-0.5:0.1:0.5
In this code w0,x and y are 40*40 matrix, so whenever the loop started the value of w changes for every iteration. i want to save this w value for each iteration in 480*640 matrix. means for first iteration value will cover 1*1-1*40 index of a 480*640 matrix next iteration value has to cover 1*41-1*80 and so on.
This will eventually make a matrix of 480*640.
I am looking forward for a favorable response.
Thanks in advance Regards

Best Answer

tvals = -0.5:0.1:0.5;
L = length(tvals);
w = cell(L,L);
for T1 = 1 : N
t1 = tvals(T1);
for T2 = 1 : N
t2 = tvals(T2);
w{T1, T2} = w0.*exp(j*t2*x+j*t1*y);
However, I do not understand how you intend to put this into a 640 x 480 matrix, as you are producing 11 * 11 (= 121) outputs and would need 16 * 12 (= 192) 40 x 40 outputs to fill a 640 x 480 matrix.
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