MATLAB: Increasing number of points in a plot without ruining the shape


How can I make this plot look like
this plot but instead of reducing points I want to increase data points in red plot to 20. Using linspace or interp1 is giving me a straight line. I want to conserve the shape of the plot and increase the number of points in the plot.

Best Answer

Is it correct? (Not tested)
x1red = linspace(xred(1),xblue(end),20); % more points for red curve
% scaling red curve (make it as long as blue one)
Lred = xred(end) - xred(1);
Lblue= xblue(end) = xblue(1);
xred_scaled = xred(1) + (xred-xred(1))*Lblue/Lred;
y1red = interp1(x_red_scaled,yred,x1red);
hold on
hold off
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