MATLAB: Incorrect order of input signals in Test Harness generated for If Action Subsystem

actionharnessifincorrectinputsordersimulinksimulink testsubsystemtest

I am trying to generate a test harness for an If Action subsystem. When generating the test harness, I select the 'Constant' option for Sources to the test harness. When the test harness gets generated, I noticed that the ordering of the constant blocks seems to be incorrect. Here is a an image:
As can be seen, the third input to the subsystem happens to be the 'Action Port' as opposed to the first one.

Best Answer

In the generated test harness, please open the 'Signal spec. and routing block'. You will find that the input signal from the 'Action Port' constant block is actually sent out as the first input to the component under test.
The ordering of the constant blocks may appear to be somewhat misleading, but please note that the signals are routed to the correct ports in the 'If Action Subsystem'.