MATLAB: Incorrect Logical Condition Statement

condition statementconditioningif statementMATLAB

I have a variable (let's call it 'data') and dependent on whether the user is left ('L) or right ('R') footed I wish for the respective data to be called.
I.e. for if 'L' then I want ('data') to be: 'data_l'
If 'R' is selected then I want ('data') to be: 'data_r'
Essentially I wish to add in the respective 'l' or 'r' to the end of the name in accordance to whether the person is left or right sided.
Leg = 'L'; %change between L and R
if Leg == 'L' ;
LEG = 'l';
else Leg == 'R';
LEG = 'r';
Tables.knee_flex_LEG % would like LEG to change to 'l' or 'r' accordingly
Unrecognized table variable name 'knee_flex_LEG'.
I believe the if function is the one I need to use. However I am unsure how to add the option into the script

Best Answer

Leg = 'L'; %change between L and R
if strcmp(Leg,'L') ;
LEG = 'l';
else strcmp(Leg,'R');
LEG = 'r';
id = 'knee_flex_LEG' ;
id = strrep(id,'LEG',LEG)
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