MATLAB: Incorrect equilibrium values using fsolve


I'm using fsolve to find equilibrium values of a series of three differential equations ( the Droop model). I've been using fsolve and getting weird equilibrium values, so I went back and solved the equations by hand and fsolve has been giving me incorrect values. The script I've been using is below and I've been using this command in the Command Window:
fsolve(@odefun_dynamic_droop, [1, 1, 1])
I've tried various x0 values but that doesn't seem to change things. For the parameter values in the script, fsolve finds zeros at
2.6605e-07 3.6300e-06 2.5009e-06
when I calculate
2.5253e-07 2.2529e-09 4.9704e-02
Are there options I can change or something to make fsolve more accurate? I haven't entered the parameters or equations wrong.
Thank you!
function x_prime = odefun_dynamic_droop(x)
%flow rate parameter
F = 0.01; %flow rate
%fixed parameters
S = 2.5e-6; %initial substrate concentration
p_max = 3.38e-6; %max intake rate of nutrient (P) by algae
K_p = 1.29e-8; %half saturation constant of nutrient intake by algae
u_Amax = 1; %apparent max growth rate
Q_Amin = 2.5e-7; %subsistence quote for algae
% Get state variables from x
N_A = x(1);
Q_A = x(2);
R = x(3);
M_A = F * N_A;
p = (p_max * R) / (K_p + R);
I_R = N_A * p;
r_A = u_Amax * N_A * ((Q_A - Q_Amin) / Q_A);
% differential equations
N_A_prime = r_A - M_A;
Q_A_prime = p - ((Q_A - Q_Amin) * u_Amax);
R_prime = (F * S) - (F * R) - I_R;
% Return derivatives in a single column vector
x_prime = [N_A_prime; Q_A_prime; R_prime];

Best Answer

If you're going to do it by hand, then at least let MATLAB help you check your answers (using symbolic variables):
%flow rate parameter
F = 0.01; %flow rate
%fixed parameters
S = 2.5e-6; %initial substrate concentration
p_max = 3.38e-6; %max intake rate of nutrient (P) by algae
K_p = 1.29e-8; %half saturation constant of nutrient intake by algae
u_Amax = 1; %apparent max growth rate
Q_Amin = 2.5e-7; %subsistence quote for algae
% Set up symbolic variables to be solved for
N_A = sym('N_A');
Q_A = sym('Q_A');
R = sym('R');
M_A = F * N_A;
p = (p_max * R) / (K_p + R);
I_R = N_A * p;
r_A = u_Amax * N_A * ((Q_A - Q_Amin) / Q_A);
% differential equations
N_A_prime = r_A - M_A;
Q_A_prime = p - ((Q_A - Q_Amin) * u_Amax);
R_prime = (F * S) - (F * R) - I_R;
% Return derivatives in a single column vector
x_prime = [N_A_prime; Q_A_prime; R_prime];
sol = solve(x_prime);
sol = [sol.N_A sol.Q_A sol.R];
x_solution1 = double(sol(1,:))
x_solution2 = double(sol(2,:))
Which yields two solutions.
x_solution1 =
1.0e-005 *
0 0.361264873254009 0.250000000000000
x_solution2 =
9.899961805784013 0.000000252525253 0.000000000009645
Looks like FSOLVE didn't do so bad.
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