MATLAB: Incorrect dimensions for raising a matrix to a power. Check that the matrix is square and the power is a scalar. To perform elementwise matrix powers, use ‘.^’.

MATLABmatlab 2020bmatrixmatrix exponentmatrix multiplicationpower

wn = 150;
w = 3.142;
wb = 0.50;
req = 2.75E09;
rl = 2e09;
d = 390E-12;
omega = 0:0.02:20;
b = 0.0111;
cp = 22.74E-09;
ke = 1.286;
meff = 0.0025;
r = wn*req*cp;
den1 = (1-(1+2*b*r)*(omega.^2))^2;
den2 = ((1+ke)*r*omega+2*b*omega-r*omega.^3)^2;
wnum = 1/(wn^2*sqrt(1+(r*omega)^2));
vnum = meff*req*d*wn*omega;
Pout = meff*b*r*ke*(omega.^2)*w^4
Hi all,
I'm trying to plot wnum, vnum and pout against omega but, I'm getting the error stated in the title. I do use the '.^' but, i'm still getting the same error, is there a workaround i could use?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

You need to use .^ for all of your powers. Also ./ for your divide, like this
wn = 150;
w = 3.142;
wb = 0.50;
req = 2.75E09;
rl = 2e09;
d = 390E-12;
omega = 0:0.02:20;
b = 0.0111;
cp = 22.74E-09;
ke = 1.286;
meff = 0.0025;
r = wn*req*cp;
den1 = (1-(1+2*b*r)*(omega.^2)).^2;
den2 = ((1+ke)*r*omega+2*b*omega-r*omega.^3).^2;
wnum = 1 ./(wn.^2*sqrt(1+(r*omega).^2));
vnum = meff*req*d*wn*omega;
Pout = meff*b*r*ke*(omega.^2)*w.^4
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