MATLAB: Incorrect date/time pulled in Matlab MySQL query


I have a database on a remote server that is storing a mysql timestamp. This value is created from an epoch timestamp. When I run a query directly on the server through the command line it returns these fields as follows (mysql timestamp on the left / epoch timestamp on the right):
2020-09-07 17:02:14 | 1599498134 |
Note this result is from a simple query (select * from table where id = value)
When I run the same query through Matlab it returns:
'2020-09-07 11:02:14.0' | 1599498134 |
You will notice the hours have been shifted and there is now a '.0' added at the end. It seems to be auto-adjusting to local time for some reason (the epoch time is in GMT). The query is run through the 'DATA = select(connection, statement);' syntax. Any assistance on how to resolve this is appreciated.
I am using Matlab R2016b

Best Answer

You can either configure the MySQL server to the required timezone.
Also you can try out something like the following command to set driver parameters for timezone in MATLAB
>> conn = database('',<username>,<password>,'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver','jdbc:mysql://servername:portnumber/databasename?serverTimezone=UTC&')