MATLAB: Inclusive random numbers on a matrix in matlab

arrayinclusivematrixrandomrandom number generator

Hi I need to make a 20×10 matrix with random numbers between 0 and 5, inclusive. I already have the matrix but I can't manage to make it inclusive, all the numbers go up tu 4.9999, does anyone know how to do it? I used this formula M=0+(5-0).*rand(20,10)

Best Answer

20x10 matrix is too small. rand() generates uniformly distributed random number, and the probability of getting exactly one is significantly less. If you increase the number of the element, you will have a good chance of getting one in rand()
For example
>> M=0+(5-0).*rand(2000,1000); % 2000x1000

>> max(M, [], 'all')
ans =
Checking at higher precision, even this value is less than 5
>> format long
>> max(M, [], 'all')
ans =
Getting excatly 5 is "almost impossible".
If you really want 0 as lower and 5 as upper limit, then you will need to use rescale()
>> M=0+(5-0).*rand(2000,1000); % 2000x1000
>> M = rescale(M, 0, 5);
>> max(M, [], 'all')
ans =
>> min(M, [], 'all')
ans =