MATLAB: In the editor, the “run” icon shows “pause”

editor iconseditor interfaceiconsMATLAB

I received a script file which I loaded into my editor. I clicked the "run" icon, and after a brief time, the "run" icon changed to a "pause" icon.
I have never seen that before ! If I simply wait, then the script eventually finishes running and displays the expected results, but what is the meaning of the "pause" icon?
The script does not contain any pause commands that I can see. If I click the pause icon, then it returns to the run icon and it seems nothing happens until I click run again.

Best Answer

Hi David,
Adding to ARK's comment, whenever the code takes a long time to run, the 'run' icon changes to the 'pause' icon. This indicates that the code is still running. If you want to debug your code, you can click the pause icon and do so. When you are done, you can click the run icon again to continue running the code. Once the code is done running, the 'pause' icon changes back to the 'run' icon.