MATLAB: In Simulink, is it possible to send data to workspace in real-time using the ‘ToWorkspace’ block

MATLABreal timesimulinktoworkspace

Hello everyone,
I have a large simulink model. In this model I calculate certain variables that are essentially [1×1] constants. For example, I analyze an electrocardiogram recording to count the number of heart cycles: num_cycles.
I would then like to use such constants like num_cycles in various other blocks like selectors and Matlab function blocks to fix the size of various variable size signals.
Now, if such constants would be defined in the workspace, I could just type num_cycles or whatever in the Simulink selector block, or in the output size of the Matlab Function's explorer. I have tried using the block "ToWorkspace" to do this. However, this block only sends data to workspace once the simulation in stopped or paused.
My question is: is there any way to send variables to the workspace immediately so that they can be accessed by future blocks as if they were workspace variables?
Thank you,