MATLAB: In Simbiology, is the parameter estimates reliable, if I get the error ” Iteration limit exceeded in the Laplacian algorithm. Returning result of the final iteration”


I use the nlme model with exponential error and FOCE method of likelihood estimation to fit the PK data. I got the highest loglikeihood with this setting. But I also got a error/warning that
"Iteration limit exceeded in the Laplacian algorithm. Returning result of the final iteration"
What should I do to overcome this error. Should I even try to overcome this.? With this error, if I try to report the parameter estimate is it authentic.?
I am also attaching the algorithm settings of iteration with this question for reference regarding my settings.

Best Answer

For that function, you can use the options created by the statset function to increase the number of iterations MaxIter beyond the default value of 200.
Try this:
opts = statset('nlmefit', 'MaxIter',1000);
to increase the iteration limit to 1000. (Assuming you are using the nlmefit function.)
NOTE — I have not tested this myself. It should work.