MATLAB: In R2019b, when is a license checkout triggered for MATLAB Coder/Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder


With the introduction of the Simulink toolstrip in R2019b, how has the timing of license checkout changed for the coder products (MATLAB Coder/Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder)?

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In R2019a and releases before, MATLAB Coder/Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder licenses were checked out based on certain actions such as:
- Model build (Ctrl+B)
- Launching the embedded coder quick start
- Using traceability from the Code Generation Report to the Model.
As of R2019b, with the replacement of Simulink menus with the Simulink toolstrip, coder licenses are checked out upon opening any of the coder applications from the toolstrip as well as performing any coder specific actions such as those mentioned above.
Additionally, in R2019b, the apps that were open when a model was saved and closed will persist when the model is re-opened. In this case we say the model is in persistence mode. Opening a model in persistence mode, results in a coder license checkout when the model is reopened. If the opening user does not have access to these coder licenses, a license checkout error will be displayed. However, the user can open and use the model as normal, excluding any coder related features.
The following actions do not result in a license checkout for coder products:
- Changing the code generation settings such as system target files, optimization options, etc. without the coder app being open.
- Loading a model in persistence mode instead of opening it.
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