MATLAB: In multiple-execution scenarios, is the timer only looking for its own callback or for any other callback in the execution queue, in MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b)


The following link of documentation:
says in the introduction:
"the timer may need to add the timer callback function (TimerFcn) to the MATLAB execution queue before the previously queued execution of the callback function has completed. "
This statement could be interpreted as: ' the timer only checks if his own callback is already in the event queue'
The following paragraph says : "If you specify 'drop' as the value of the BusyMode property, the timer object adds the timer callback function to the execution queue only when the queue is empty. If the execution queue is not empty, the timer object skips the execution of the callback."
Which instead might suggest that: 'the timer callback is dropped if *any* function is in the queue'.
Therefore, which of the two possible interpretations is correct? Does it check for any callback or just for its own?

Best Answer

The timer is only checking for its own function being executed, not any other callback, or callbacks from other timers.