MATLAB: In matrix, convert fraction part into decimal

decimaldoublefractionMATLABsymbolic expressionSymbolic Math Toolbox

Hello, I have a matrix in which each element is comes out as fraction part but I want it as decimal part. I'm using symbolic expression in my code with matlabFunction. Code is given below.
syms a b c d e f;
x = [a+b b+c;d+e e+f];
y = matlabFunction(x)
a = 0.222;
b = 3.57;
c = 1.5;
d = 0.351;
e = -.22;
f = f;
The output of this function is like below:
>> y(a,b,c,d,e,f)
ans =
[ 474/125, 507/100]
[ 131/1000, f - 11/50]
I tried to use double and vpa but I'm not getting any results. Can somebody tell me how to solve this problem.

Best Answer

ans =
[ 3.792, 5.07]
[ 0.131, f - 0.22]