MATLAB: In MATLAB (cumulative distribution function), how can I find the corresponding data point (Y) for any chosen cumulative probability

cdfcumulative distribution functionMATLABplotprobability distribution function

In a CDF (using MATLAB,) how can I find the corresponding data value (X) for any chosen cumulative distribution (Y)? Please refer to the pasted code and image. Instead of "eye-balling" the plot, how can I find the data point (X) that corresponds to the cumulative probability value of 0.2 or even 0.466, etc.? Please advise. Thank you.
X = randn(1,500);
u = mean(X);
s = std(X);
pd = makedist('Normal','mu',u,'sigma',s);
x = min(X):.1:max(X);
cdf_normal = cdf(pd,x);

Best Answer

Alternatively, you can use ICDF directly on the probability distribution object
icdf(pd,[0.2 0.466])