MATLAB: In Antenna Toolbox, is it possible to analyze type of ESPAR (Electronically Steerable Passive Array Radiator) antenna which consists of parasitic elements with variable capacitance

Antenna Toolboxparasitic (non-fed) elementvariable capacitor

In Antenna Toolbox, is it possible to design a type of ESPAR (Electronically Steerable Passive Array Radiator) antenna?
ESPAR antenna consists of one fed element (active element) and several parasitic (non-fed) elements.
The parasitic elements are conntected by variable capacitor to change the reactance of the element to form a desired directivity.
As I checked, Yagi-Uda antenna model cannot set capacitance connected to directors or reflectors.
Also, in array antenna model, any antenna elements need to be fed. In other words, no parasitic element is set in the model.
Which model or in which way, we can design such type of antennas.

Best Answer

Hi Saito, I also can't find a possibility to do this. However I built such antennas. A 3 elements yagi for 87 till 108 Mhz. It has 3 varactors BB640. I can tune it remote with 3 potmeters and it works pretty good. Also for 174 till 227 Mhz.
I used mmana to design it. However it shouldn't be very difficult to integrate this in a tool like antenna toolbox.
Bert Jan pa1bj
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