MATLAB: ???In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.??

for loop errorhomework

Hi I am getting this error ???In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.??? ???Error in lab6 (line 17) t(i+1) = t +(i.*h)???
So basically I want to calculate the values in a for loop and put them in a zeros matrix. I am trying to program a Euler's Method.
clc, clear all
func = @(t,x) -t.*x;
% func = @(t,x) sinh(x ./ (t+1));
% func = @(t,x) (t*x.^2)*cos(x.^2);
t0 = 0; %Initial Value

t1 = 5; %Final Value
x = 1; %Initial Value
h = 0.1; %Step size
steps = (t1 - t0) / h %Steps need to be taken
xarrays = zeros(1,steps);
tarrays = zeros(1,steps);
t = t0
for i = 1:steps
t(i+1) = t +(i.*h)
x(i+1) = x(i) + h.*func(t(i),x(i));
xarrays = x(i+1)
tarrays = t(i+1)

Best Answer

t is an array. A 2D array of many elements. You cannot assign a whole array to just one element of it, t(i).
For example, let's say t was a 4 by 4 array and i was 3. Then you're trying to assign a 4 by 4 array (16 elements) to just a single element, t(3). You can't do that.
Try to think some more about the logic of this lab6 homework problem.