MATLAB: In a nested for loop, if statement: how to keep doing something until a condition is met

forloopif statementismemberrandom number generator

Dear all,
I have a 6×6 matrix of integers. In a for loop, for each entry in the matrix I grab a 3×3 submatrix and I randomly select an entry from the entire matrix. Then I want to see if the randomly selected entry is present in the submatrix as well. If it is, the original entry is replaced by the randomly selected entry. If not, I want to randomly select another entry and compare, keep doing this until I can find a randomly selected entry that is present in my submatrix and replace the original entry with it.
How would I write it so that if the first randomly selected entry is not present, I go back to randomly select another entry and repeat this process?
So far I have:
mat=[1 2 3 4 5 2; 3 4 5 1 1 1; 1 6 5 9 9 9; 1 3 4 1 3 1; 6 6 6 6 6 6; 1 9 9 2 3 4];
for ii=1:6 for jj=1:6 % going over each entry in the matrix
for x=-1:1; for y=-1:1; mat_sub(x+2,y+2) = mat(mod(ii+x,6)+1,mod(jj+y,6)+1); end end % grabbing a 3×3 submatrix with periodic boundaries
rand_idx = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6); rand_idy = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6); % generate a randomly selected indices
% check whether the randomly selected entry is present in the submatrix, % if it is then replace the old value with the new value.
if ismember(mat(rand_idx,rand_idy),mat_sub)==1 mat(ii,jj)=mat(rand_idx,rand_idy); else rand_idx = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6); rand_idy = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6); end end end
I'd need to write something after else, but I'm not sure how I'd do this. Any help is most appreciated.

Best Answer

I am not sure that I really get what you want to do, but I guess that it is something around the following (which is dangerous, because you don't know how much time it will take to find this match that you are looking for):
rand_idx = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6);
rand_idy = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6);
if ismember(mat(rand_idx,rand_idy),mat_sub)==1
mat(ii,jj)= mat(rand_idx,rand_idy);
rand_idx = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6);
rand_idy = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6);
while true
rand_idx = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6) ;
rand_idy = 1 + fix(rand(1,1)*6) ;
if ismember(mat(rand_idx,rand_idy),mat_sub)
mat(ii,jj) = mat(rand_idx,rand_idy) ;
break ;
this way, the random indices generation and the test will go on until ISMEMBER return true, because in this case the BREAK breaks the loop.
Now if you really want to go for this kind of approach, you should implement some watchdog.. e.g.
wdog = 0 ;
while true
wdog = wdog + 1 ;
if wdog > 1000
error('Max iterations (1000) reached.') ;
... code given above ...