MATLAB: Imwrite function and permission error


I read any question and answer about my problem, but I couldn't find my solution. I checked read only about my folder. I use mkdir , but I can't do it. Could you help me more. Thanks alot
K>> imwrite(a1,'C:\Users\Bahar\Documents\Uni\Thesis\IMP\930620','jpg');
Error using imwrite (line 455) Unable to open file "C:\Users\Bahar\Documents\Uni\Thesis\IMP\930620" for writing. You may not have write permission.

Best Answer

bkshn - I get the same error message if trying to do something similar. But look closer at the error message
Unable to open file "C:\Users\Bahar\Documents\Uni\Thesis\IMP\930620"
No extension is being supplied to the file that is being opened. Try including the extension in the file name (it isn't enough to just supply the output format of jpg) as
The above worked (for me) when I included the extension.