MATLAB: Imtransform had shift the center


Hi, I had 3 images which size 200*200. I would want to aggregate those image with same center after they have been imtransform. Those 3 images are eye scanning. so let's say there is a optic disc, assume it is a circle and I had it's center coordinate. So for example the first image center is 100,100 (this is perfect),2nd is 101,101(so I had to shift -1,-1 to aggregate the 2nd image with the 1st), the last one is 130,130. However, I had calculate that even the optic disc(the circle) had it own center, the image is not scan properly. Therefore I had to rotate my images. I had a Tform and tried to use imtransform. It look okay after the images transform, and I know the image will have difference size, since the I don't want any information lose. Then I change the image size to 300,300. Since I need to aggregate those 3 images to center 150,150 which is the middle of the images. I had try to use imtranslate, which should be fine. However, everytime I try to aggregate the image, the shifting/center is not correct. Below is the code which I had tried.
for n=1:no_of_pics
%if it is left eye, it need to be fliped
if analyzingEye=='OS'
%peaks is the center detected by hough method
% matrix below is trying to rotate the image about the certain center not the origin
temp_tocenter=[1 0 0;0 1 0;-(150-temp_xcenter) -(150-temp_ycenter) 1];
temp_back=[1 0 0;0 1 0;150-temp_xcenter 150-temp_ycenter 1];
temp_recover=imtransform(temp_recover,maketform('affine',temp_tocenter*cell2mat(TTFORM(n,1))*temp_back),'XData',[1 301],'YData',[1 301]);
However by using this method, the center is shifted to somewhere I don't know. Therefore, I had use another code;
for n=1:no_of_pics
if analyzingEye=='OS'
%I am trying to expand the matrix to 300*300 so that I can aggregate the center and no information lost
It did better, but still the circle is not perfectly match. I am very frustrated on this. Can someone point out where I had done wrong? Thank you very much

Best Answer

Right for anyone have same problem with me. Here is the better solution. Firstly, you create a translation matrix i.e.
%dx dy are the length that you need to translate
shift=[1 0 0;0 1 0;dx dy 1]
then you need a matrix to transform to origin
%so if you want to rotate at point(150,150)
to_center=[1 0 0;0 1 0;-150 -150 1]
then you need your rotation matrix which is
%theta is the angle
rotation=[cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0;sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0;0 0 1]
then you need to transform back
back=[1 0 0;0 1 0;150 150 1]
therefore, the overall matrix will be
hope this can help you :)