MATLAB: Imregtform – how can I separate the rotation and translation

alignmentImage Processing Toolboximregtformregistration

I use imregtform with 'rigid', so that the registration is limited to rotation and translation. I get the tform matrix which looks like:
a; b; 0
c; d; 0
e; f; 1
(I would expect a different form for translation & rotation only – with two non-zero values in the third column and 2 zeros in the third row).
The images show a cell, and I need to estimate its motion between the frames. How can I calculate the angle of rotation and amount of transformation from the tform matrix? Thanks!

Best Answer

I think there must be a typo in your post. The 'rigid' option cannot return a,b,c,d all equal to 0, assuming these are the entries of the leftmost 3x2 matrix of the imregtform output.
The rotation angle would be atan2d(b,a). The translation vector would be [e,f].