MATLAB: Imrect object – delete notification

imrectinteractive rectangles

After creating an 'imrect' interactive object, in the context menu there is a delete option. Is there a callback to register when the 'imrect' object is deleted.
What I have so far:
im_rect = imrect(ax, draw_rect);
rectId = addNewPositionCallback(im_rect, @(pos)positionUpdateCallback(pos));
So I have access to the position update callback id. But I don't see how can I register any notifiers for the delete event. There is a 'removeNewPositionCallback', but I don't know whether this callback will be triggered on a delete. I checked both 'imrect' and 'imroi' help sections.
Maybe an alternative would be to add a custom delete command to the context menu, with a callback. Has anyone tried that ?

Best Answer

Unfortunately imrect and its similar functions are rather arcaic and don't really conform to more modern Matlab graphics objects, but it does derive from 'handle' and the handle class includes the following event
which you can listen to as e.g.
addlistener( im_rect , 'ObjectBeingDestroyed', @(src,evt) disp( 'Rectangle died' ) )