MATLAB: Imrect in infinite loop

guiimrectinfinite loop

I have a Matlab UI where I want the user to input several areas using imrect as soon as a radiobutton is selected. It is unknown how many areas will be selected so the selection needs to be in an infinite loop.
As soon as another radiobutton is selected, the imrect input should stop, which I cannot get to work.
Here is a minimal working example:
function mwe
ax = axes('Position', [0 0 1 1]);
bg = uibuttongroup('Position',[0 0 .15 1], 'SelectionChangedFcn',{@bselection, ax});
r1 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 1', 'Position',[10 250 100 30]);
r2 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 2', 'Position',[10 225 100 30], 'Value',1);
function bselection(source, event, ax)
switch event.NewValue.String
case 'Option 1'
while true
h = imrect(ax);
% do stuff
case 'Option 2'
% do not show imrect and do other stuff
I appreciate any help.

Best Answer

switch event.NewValue.String
case 'Option 1'
set(ax, 'UserData', 1);
while get(ax, 'UserData') == 1
h = imrect(ax);
% do stuff
case 'Option 2'
set(ax, 'UserData', 0);
Do you want to cancel the currently active input of the rectangle? Does the original code contain a pos = wait(h) ?