MATLAB: Imrect assigning values to


Hello. Im using a user defined rectangle to define a ROI on a tiff image.
h = imrect(handles.axes1, p)
p = wait(h);
p = h.getPosition();
I am using guide, and want the ability to enter the values in "p" from a text box. Can I just create the string and assign it to "p"?
thanks Jason

Best Answer

Sure, no problem.
str = get(handles.editX1, 'string');
leftColumn = str2double(str);
str = get(handles.editWidth, 'string');
width = str2double(str);
str = get(handles.editY1, 'string');
topRow = str2double(str);
str = get(handles.editHeight, 'string');
height = str2double(str);
p = [leftColumn, topRow, width, height];