MATLAB: Improving Presentation of a Graph


I have produced a graph running some simulations which I would like to use in Powerpoints and whose presentation and professionalism I would like to improve.
There are few things I would like to change. Something is wrong with the resolution of the graph and the grid lines: I think this is due to the fact that I have printed and saved the graph as PNG image file: is there another type of file which I should save it as so the resolution and clarity is improved?
Secondly, the F_d/F_s on the y-axis needs to be in Maths font. Also, it seems like the analytic solutions I have plotted (corresponding to the coloured lines) have been drawn in a piecewise continuous way which interpolates in between the dots on the red curve, these dots correspond to the result from a numerical method. When you look at the graph you can see the curves are connected in a piecewise continuous way when they should just be smooth curves. Is there some way of fixing this? I can reproduce the relevant part of the code if necessary or can include more of the code if necessary.
plot(KnA, expA, 'b')
plot(KnA, slipS,'g')
fsz = 10; % Fontsize
alw = 1.5; % LineWidth
msz =10; % MarkerSize
grid on
box on
set(gca, 'FontSize', fsz, 'LineWidth', alw);
legend('Millikan exp. data' ,'Analytic-Basset','MFS-G13', 'Analytic-G13', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
ylabel('F_{d} / F_{s}')

Best Answer

If you want your plots to have a finer resolution with respect to ‘R’, define ‘Rv’ to have more points:
Rv = linspace(1, 10, 150);
Here it will have 150 points. You can specify any number of points you want with the third argument to linspace.