MATLAB: Can I improve visually a GUI


Hi, I'm working in a athmospheric matlab based program, who plots several ammounts of data, basically. It's GUI looks like this:
And I'm looking for a visual upgrade, with a "modern" appearance and not as old or simple.
How can I improve it? There's an easy way to reach it?

Best Answer

You can make your buttons the same sizes to give a more clean, organized appearance. I don't know if there's some order that the user is supposed to interact with the GUI, but if there is, I find it helps the user if you label things like "Step 1:do this", "Step 2: do that", etc., because your GUI can otherwise be a bewildering array of edit fields and buttons that the user doesn't know what to click on next. Some of your edit fields might be able to be turned into sliders/scrollbars if you'd rather have them.
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