MATLAB: Improve the performance of nprtool

Deep Learning Toolboxnprtoolpattern recognition

I used the neural network toolbox ( nprtool ) for classifying my objects. i used 75% of data for training and 15% for both validation and testing.also i considered 50 neurons for hidden layers. the progress stops because of validation checks (at 6). how can i improve the performance of this network? i couldn't find out how to change validation check or gradient ,….if you have any suggestion i will be very appreciate to hear that.

Best Answer

Insufficient information
Which of the MATLAB classification example datasets are you using?
help nndatasets
doc nndatasets
Number of classes c =?
Input vector dimensionality I = 1
Number of examples N = ?
[ I N ] = size(input)
[ O N ] = size(target)% O = c
Default 70/15/15 data division? (75/15/15 doesn't add to 100)
Some problems require multiple(e.g., 10) designs for every value of hidden nodes that are tried.
For example, search the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS using
greg patternnet Ntrials
Sorry I can't give you much advice on how to optimize the use of nprtool. However, consulting my command line code should be more than worthwhile.
Hope this helps.
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