MATLAB: Importing xml and change to mat stuct


I am trying to import multiple *.xml files from specific location and change them into mat structure files but I am facing some problems. This is my code:
if true
% code
%loading files from device
filedir= 'X:\GD\EA\ASP\Interest_groups\test\test_export.xml\pilot_studies'; %location of the files
file = dir(fullfile(filedir, '*.xml'));
mfiles=length(file); %number of files in the specified folder
for i = 1: mfiles
fid(i)=fopen(fullfile(filedir, file(i).name),'rt');
s{i}=textscan(fid(i), '%s', 'delimiter','\n');
S = xml2struct(s)
It basically gives me the error in the last line saying that the first input to exist must be a string scalar or a character vector. My s variable is 1×3 cell which is weird. I am not sue how to solve it. I would appreciate your help.

Best Answer

You're making your life more complicated than you need to. You don't need to parse the file, xml2struct will do that for you, so the only thing you have to give it is the filename:
S = cell(1, numel(mfiles));
for i = 1 : mfiles
S{i} = xml2struct(fullfile(filedir, file(i).name)); %load xml, convert to structure, and put structure in cell array
S = [S{:}]; %concatenate scalar structures into a structure array. Will fail if the xml of the files don't have the same elements.

xml2struct does not take a char array/string as input. The only other possible input is an xml DOM object as returned by xmlread:
S = cell(1, numel(mfiles));
for i = 1 : mfiles
xml = xmlread(fullfile(filedir, file(i).name)); parse xml file
S{i} = xml2struct(xml); %convert xml to structure, and put structure in cell array
S = [S{:}]; %concatenate scalar structures into a structure array. Will fail if the xml of the files don't have the same elements.
Obviously, it's simpler to let xml2struct do the call to xmlread for you, so use the first version.
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