MATLAB: Importing variables from a txt or xlsx file

impoting variables from a text files using a for loop

Hello everybody- I'm trying to ready some text/xlsx files from a folder and want to keep the variables from original file to output them in Matlab workspace for example (data-1, data2, data3 and data4 are my txt files) and for example
a b c
1 2 2
4 5 6
0 0 1
for i = 1:4
fileName = ['data' num2str(i)];
dataStruct.(fileName) = load([fileName '.txt']);
Can I modify this code in a way that when I import let say data-1 using the above loop instead of importing one matrix it should import all of its variables a b c in work place so that I can use them to proceed for my work? so loop will be done after processing one file and will move to the next file data-2 read variables and so on
Thank you,

Best Answer

It is possible, yes, but only using a function that has been declared obsolete for years ("textread")
If you have R2013b or later you should consider using readtable()
Otherwise just split up the array after you read it.