MATLAB: Importing two different files with different sampling rate

data import

i need to import,plot & compare two different experimental data,seperated by comma(in .txt format). These two files eventhough recording time(start to end) is same,sampling rate is different.One records 4 samples per sec.Other at 8 samples per sec. My query now is if i import these file..because of difference in sampling matrix size will be different.So,when i plot with time matlab generates error stating'Both matrix are of different sizes' Can some body help me how to come across this problem??
I need to plot both in same plot for comparision..

Best Answer

Please post the code, which causes the problem. Perhaps it can be solved easily:
t1 = 1:100;
x1 = rand(size(t1));
t2 = 3:4:97;
x2 = rand(size(t2));
plot(t1, x1, 'b');
hold on;
plot(t2, x2, 'r');
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