MATLAB: Importing month into Matlab is not recognized

data importdate_time

I'm trying to import a txt/CSV file into matlab by using datastore. (Also see attached txt file)
1,2019/10/10 11:09:15, 0,+ 1.883,+ 24.00, 78, 37,LLLLLLLLLL,LLLL,LLLL
2,2019/10/10 11:09:15,200,+ 1.886,+ 24.00, 78, 37,LLLLLLLLLL,LLLL,LLLL
So in order to import with the correct format, my script is:
dat = datastore('TEST.txt')
dat.SelectedVariableNames = dat.SelectedVariableNames([1:7]);
dat.SelectedFormats{1} = '%f';
dat.SelectedFormats{2} = '%{YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss}D';
dat.SelectedFormats{3} = '%f';
dat.SelectedFormats{4} = '+%f';
dat.SelectedFormats{5} = '+%f';
dat.SelectedFormats{6} = '%f';
dat.SelectedFormats{7} = '%f';
However when i run a preview (or import) the data i get the following result:
Number Date_Time ms CH1 CH2 Pulse1 Pulse2
______ ___________________ ___ _____ ___ ______ ______
1 2019/01/10 11:09:15 0 1.883 24 78 37
2 2019/01/10 11:09:15 200 1.886 24 78 37
3 2019/01/10 11:09:15 400 1.883 24 78 36
4 2019/01/10 11:09:15 600 1.884 24 79 37
5 2019/01/10 11:09:15 800 1.886 24 78 37
6 2019/01/10 11:09:16 0 1.883 24 78 36
7 2019/01/10 11:09:16 200 1.882 24 79 37
The month has been set to januari instead of oktober and i don't understand why matlab does not reconizing the month from the original data correctly.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

Simply change the capitalizations of your date format.
% location of data file
filePath = "TEST.txt";
% variables from sample code and file
variableNames = ["Number", "Date_Time", "ms", "CH1", "CH2", "Pulse1", "Pulse2", "Var8", "Var9", "Var10"];
% variable format strings
variableFormats = ["%f", "%{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}D", "%f", "+%f", "+%f", "%f", "%f", "%s", "%s", "%s"];
% initialize the datastore object
dat = datastore(filePath, ...
"VariableNames", variableNames, ...
"TextscanFormats", variableFormats, ...
"TextType", "string");
% store sample data
sampleData = preview(dat);
% test date parts
dateParts = [year(sampleData.Date_Time), month(sampleData.Date_Time), day(sampleData.Date_Time), ...
hour(sampleData.Date_Time), minute(sampleData.Date_Time), second(sampleData.Date_Time)]