MATLAB: Importing large .csv files into MATLAb but confined by limits of excel


So I am using an Arduino to collect many values over a long period of time. I am storing these values in a CSV file. Excel does not let you exceed 1048576 rows in one file. However, that is only 8 minutes worth of data for me and I want to collect about 24 hours of data. Now I thought, I will just open the file straight in matlab, surely matlab doesnt have a restriction such as this one. To my dismay, when I open up my file in MATLAB it only shows me 1048576 rows, just like excel. So does matlab have a restriction? When I open the disk the .csv file is written on, there is a small excel icon next to it (by default I am supposing). Does this mean when I import it into Matlab, it is importing it not only as a .csv file but also as an excel file, and the restrictions of excel are imposed upon it? I am using uigetfile to open it up. Thank you

Best Answer

Hi Patrick,
the importer you mention will use xlsread in the background and yes, would be limited by the same limit.
But: nobody stops you from reading the file directly, the easiest will be to use a datastore:
doc datastore
Hope this helps,
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