MATLAB: Importing excel numerical data into menu options

excelimporting excel datamenuurgent

[EDIT: Thu May 12 23:00:29 UTC 2011 Duplicate Removed – MKF]
This is the code that i have for my program. I am trying to import all of the numerical data from the first column of the worksheet into the menu as options, but it is only giving me the very first one. Please help me figure out what I need to do. Thanks!
%The Excel worksheet 'COST' is inputed into MATLAB.
%The user is prompted to select the diameter of pipe they wish to use.
Diameter=menu('Select pipe diameter',COSTdata(1:length(COSTdata)));

Best Answer

t = cellstr(num2str(costdata(:,1)));
Diameter = menu('Select pipe diameter', t{:});