MATLAB: Importing data with date and time columns

excel dates and timesimport dates

I have a large data set in excel. In column A are dates(2015-01-01) and in column B are times(0:00).How do I import this into Matlab?

Best Answer

Import it using the xlsread function.
I assume you already knew that, and want to know how to combine the date and time strings to create a valid date number. You can take advantage of the fact that MATLAB uses square brackets [] to concatenate strings.
Something like this will work:
dt = '2015-01-01';
tm = '12:34';
dn = datenum([dt tm], 'yyyy-mm-ddHH:MM')
ds = datestr(dn) % Check Conversion (Optional)
ds =
01-Jan-2015 12:34:00