MATLAB: Importing data into datastructure with GUI

gui datastructure importing

I have a large dataset in .txt format which i want to load from a GUI into a data structure. I have managed to make a browse window when i push a button, where i can select the file, with this code:
function browse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %generated by GUIDE
I have made this function to import the data indto a data structure:
function A = ImportData() %ImportData function
FileName = uigetfile('*.txt','Select the MATLAB code file')
A = importdata(FileName) %import data from file, into structure A
But it seems like it doesnt save the data into the data structure (cant see it in workspace), which is a problem because i want to do some calculations with the data. What am i doing wrong?
I am pretty new with GUI, and still learning! Hope someone will be able to help.

Best Answer

The variable A is in your function workspace, not the base workspace.
  1. You can put a break point in your code to debug it. When you debugging, you can go to the Command Window to observe the variable in your function workspace.
  2. You can use assignin('base','A',importdata(FileName)) to assign the variable in base workspace.
  3. Probably there is no need to create your own "ImportData" function. It's so close to the built-in importdata() function. Why not put the uigetfile() line and importdata() line in your browse_Callback() function.