MATLAB: Importing a Table :: [Variables are been modified by Matlab]


Hi I have recently started using matlab. I am trying to import a spreadsheet as a table and some of my variables [Colum Names] get modified when I look at them using T.Properties.Variablenames. So I checked the function genvalidnames which is apparently responsible for changing the "non-matlab" variable names to standard matlab variable names. My Column names in the Spreadsheet all start with a character, have only underscores and are not longer than nameslength which i checked is 63. Still I get the modified names. Any idea why this will be happening.

Best Answer

I don't see how it's being changed. Here is my code:
t = readtable('VAT_Experiment_Sheet_Assign_Table_Structure_Units.xlsx')
and here is what I see:
ans =
Unless I'm overlooking something, like a double underline or something, the "DCDC_OutputOC_Fault_BOOL" looks the same in both Excel and MATLAB.