MATLAB: Import .txt file and sorting the data from the title


.txt looks like this:
R_ASIS_X 1015.56
R_ASIS_Y 218.86
R_ASIS_Z 939.91
I need to import this data from the .txt into matlab variables. I need a way to search for each variable like 'R_ASIS_X' and then when it's found in the .txt I need to save the corresponding data to the right into a variable.
Can somebody help me with this?

Best Answer

Your data file does not have variables named 'position' or 'speed' or 'acceleration'. But you can do, for example,
t = readtable('Marker Coordinate Data.txt', 'ReadVariableName', 0, 'ReadRowNames', 1);
R_ASIS_X = t{'R_ASIS_X', 1};
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