MATLAB: Import strings from file to matrix

MATLABstringstext file

I have a file which contatins strings. there are 5 rows, in each one there are 4 strings separated by a comma. I'm using Matlab R2019b. I want to save those string into 5×4 matrix.
I've tried running the following code:
fpath_audio = importdata('audioPaths.txt',',');
fpath_audio_split = zeros(5,4);
for i = 1:5
fpath_audio_split(i) = strsplit(string(fpath_audio(i,1)),',');
But I get this error:
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Error in dpath (line 7)
fpath_audio_split(i) = strsplit(string(fpath_audio(i,1)),',');
What could be the problem? fpath_audio_split is 5×4 matrix, it should have enough space.
Thank you.

Best Answer

fpath_audio_split = cell(5,1) ;
for i = 1:5
fpath_audio_split{i} = strsplit(string(fpath_audio(i,1)),',');